我是房子:想看打斗场面的可太失望了剧情跟玩一样淘金谷 电视剧想要什么就说什么
喜虎: 虚构世界对现实世界的另类操控事件双面性的解构
一计落甘:挺喜欢这种丧的淘金谷 电视剧尤其是这几年不管是百元之恋海边的曼切斯特都是平静中的无奈
分清现实和幻想:☆ a kid has to face loads things that just don't make sense, to pretend to be impassive but one day all those will go away. the colour of the sky suddenly changed ,and everything seemed different. and that's the moment u truly saw all the unfairness and ur privilege. and that made u sick.there's nothing u could do but grow up and never look back